Venerable Dreadnought

1 029 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)

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Games Workshop

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This box set contains one multi-part plastic Venerable Dreadnought. This 84-piece set includes: a plasma cannon, an assault cannon, lascannon, a heavy flamer, a storm bolter, two different power fists including an ornate one, and a set of smoke launchers. Also included are: two different sets of ornate leg guards, three different helmets, six purity seals, two different pennants, a range of different sarcophagus armour plates, several sarcophagus designs, and a host of Crux Terminatus and other Imperial icons.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Warhammer 40,000
Jazyk: angličtina
Věk: 12+
Vydavatel: Games Workshop
GW Short Code: 48-32
Svět: Warhammer 40,000
GW module: E:B200a

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