Citadel Skulls

539 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)

Doplňky pro modelářství.
Informace pouze v anglickém jazyce. 
Není určeno pro děti.
Více informací:

Games Workshop

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

Here’s a breakdown of the number and type of the 340 (!) skulls in the box:

- 82 human skulls with jawbones;
- 86 human skulls without jawbones;
- 15 human jawbones;
- 60 assorted damaged human skulls;
- 2 giants’ skulls;
- 1 Morghast skull (in 2 components);
- 1 beast skull (in 2 components);
- 4 small horned skulls;
- 4 medium horned skulls;
- 3 large horned skulls;
- 7 bird skulls;
- 2 Chaos beast skulls;
- 6 plaguebearer skulls;
- 6 Bloodletter skulls;
- 10 T'au skulls;
- 5 Kroot skulls;
- 6 alien skulls;
- 21 Genestealer Hybrid skulls;
- 20 Ork skulls without jaws;
- 5 Ork jawbones;
- 7 Ork skulls with jaws open;
- 7 Ork skulls with jaws.


Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Wargaming
Jazyk: angličtina
Věk: 12+
Vydavatel: Games Workshop
GW Short Code: 64-29
GW module: BS:F

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